
The prices in table are in USD per page. Default page is approximately 275 words typed in Arial (12 pt). The price of 1 single-spaced page equals the price of 2 double-spaced pages. If you have some specific requirements, please state them in contact form or contact our support team – we will help you calculate the price for your specific order.

The prices in the table don’t include the VAT tax. The cost of the VAT is automatically added to the price of the order during the payment process.

You can choose additional extra features that are designed to make our service even more beneficial for our customers

Preferred Writer

You can choose the Top writer for your paper. This option means that one of our most experienced professionals will work on your assignment. This option is slightly more expensive than regular order. The price of the order will increase automatically based on the “deadline/level/number of pages” options of your order.
The cost of admission papers is also higher in comparison with the standard ones, but there is a strong reason for this kind of pricing. The quality of such essays is exceptionally high. Only the top writers will be assigned to complete them.

VIP Customer Service

With this optional extra, all your messages and inquiries will receive the first priority. Additionally, you will get text notifications by phone. To get SMS updates, make sure that you provide a valid cell phone number. The price of this feature is $14.99.

Plagiarism Report

We claim, that there is no plagiarism in works provided by our writers and we can prove it! Order a detailed official plagiarism report selecting this extra feature in the order form. The price of the plagiarism report depends on the number of pages and type of spacing:

Single-spaced papers

  • 1 – 5 pages – $9.99
  • 6 and more pages – $11.99 plus $2.00 for every additional page

Double-spaced papers:

  • 1 – 10 pages – $9.99
  • 11 and more pages – $10.99 plus $1.00 for every additional page